Friday, May 11, 2007

Why I love Payperpost

WidgetBucks - Trend Watch -

Sometimes you might notice that some of my post have this little tag "sponsored by xxxxxxx" well, it just happens that that is a blog post that I do to get some cash from payperpost. What is payperpost about? It is essentially consumer generated advertising, where bloggers are given topics to blog about by advertisers and well we blog about it and get some cash.

While I am not some hardcore payperpost user, I just occassionally blog about the topics given to me when i find it relavent or it interest me. Its pretty decent cash for just blogging.

I been a member of payperpost for perhaps 1+ month, started sometime in april and up to date I have made about $39 from about 6 blog posts. Not too bad considering I only blog about stuff that interests me. So that is what I like about payperpost, I just blog about stuff I am interested in, and i get some cash to eat and if i feel happy, perhaps treat some friends to a drink.


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